

Antonia Lukacinova is the founder and CEO of MEDIA TRIBUNE, a company involved in strategic and marketing communications, as well as public relations. Her professional background in business development, and customer relations make her a valuable partner for organizations that expect passion and performance to achieve measurable results and success.

In the field of Aviation, be it private, business, or commercial, Antonia is a person par excellence to have on board for project development and team support due to her unique experiences from start-ups, to business advancements, as well as growing a company. Her integrity, discretion, and panoramic view on issues make her valuable counsel on various aspects of management. She is the typical professional who
is assigned to special missions for contract and condition negotiations, strategic communication, to bring people together and to be a project pioneer. Her past organizational abilities in various aviation settings have a proven track record of successes in international or multi-cultural arrangements.

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February 2011

Recognition of Achievements

As an Embraer Executive Jets Authorized Sales and Marketing Representative. For Embraer, she prepared and executed their communication strategy, and presented their line of business jets in support of their sales efforts in the region.

Embraer Sales representation

Negotiating New Contract for Sales representation for Czech Republic and Slovakia for Embaraer Business Aircraft for client ( ABS Jets) and proposing marketing and sales strategy for coming period. ABS Jets became again the Embraer [...]

April 2010

Organizing very first CEPA EXPO

Unique business aviation conference held Prague focusing on central and Eastern Europe.

March 2010

MEDIA Tribune founding

In mid-2010, Antonia founded her own company MEDIA Tribune, an agency providing clients with clearly measurable synergies and business efficien¬cies with aim to provide full portfolio of services including; public relations, promotion and publicity for [...]

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1702, 2016

Lietajúca Slovenka, ktorá sa stretla s Dalajlamom

February 17th, 2016|

Antónia Lukačínová si založila agentúru, ktorá promuje súkromné lietanie. V Česku ju nominovali na Manažérku roka a v seriáli Preskoč svoje hranice hovorí: Mám šťastie, že pracujem v odvetví, ktoré ma baví aj po rokoch. [...]

812, 2015

Jet Book je první kompletní průvodce světem business jetů a helikoptér

December 8th, 2015|

Milovníci letectví, zájemci o koupi soukromého letadla, či lidé provozující služby v oblasti business aviation si nyní mohou pořídit prvního kompletního průvodce od autorky Antónie Lukačínové. Tato publikace v luxusní pevné vazbě obsahuje nejnovější statistiky, [...]

412, 2015

Vychází první průvodce světem business jetů a helikoptér Jet Book

December 4th, 2015|

Společnost MEDIA Tribune vydala Jet Book, nezávislý kompletní průvodce netradičním světem business jetů a helikoptér, který většinou známe jen z filmů. Pro milovníky letectví, zájemce o koupi soukromého letadla či poskytovatele služeb v oblasti business [...]

112, 2015

Pracovať pre vlastnú firmu mi dáva slobodu

December 1st, 2015|

Antónia Lukačínová Meno Slovenky, ktorá v oblasti letectva pôsobí niekoľko rokov, pozná aj samotný dalajláma. Práve Antónia Lukačínová bola tou osobou, ktorá priviezla Jeho Svätosť na Slovensko. Postarala sa o prepravu Beyoncé, hviezd filmového a [...]

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Antonia Lukacinova