AIN Ebace News
Mario 2016-08-10T13:10:52+00:00 May 17th, 2011|
As an Embraer Executive Jets Authorized Sales and Marketing Representative. For Embraer, she prepared and executed their communication strategy, and presented their line of business jets in support of their sales efforts in the region.
Negotiating New Contract for Sales representation for Czech Republic and Slovakia for Embaraer Business Aircraft for client ( ABS Jets) and proposing marketing and sales strategy for coming period. ABS Jets became again the Embraer Executive Jets Authorised Sales Representative for the Czech and Slovakia Republics and was at the forefront of sales and use [...]
Last year was filled with changes and vital decisions for me. In the work field, I changed everything by 180º and am pleased about this. New blood surged through my veins. I had many ideas and business plans. That is why “my” year of 2011 has begun incredibly dynamically and positively. I established my own [...]
Spoločnosť ABS Jets, popredný broker a operátor súkromných lietadiel a priekopník v obore súkromnej leteckej prepravy v Českej republike a na Slovensku, privítal v januári tohto roku významnú posilu. Do pozície obchodnej riaditeľky bola vymenovana Antónia Tomková. Antónia Tomková úlohám v novej pozícii bude patriť predovšetkým posilňovanie trhového podielu spoločnosti ABS Jets na európskom i [...]
ABS Jets has appointed Antonia Tomkova to the role of commercial director. The appointment commences with immediate effect. Previously Antonia was in the role of Head of Marketing & PR at ABS Jets. Prior to working with ABS Jets Tomkova spent six years with Grossman Jet Services in the role of chief commercial officer. She [...]
She has travelled the whole world and cannot imagine her life without aircraft. Antónia Tomková, Business Director, ABS Jets. She is ambitious, goal-oriented, that is why she is successful in the world of private air transport, and not only there. Good coffee and chocolate are her indulgences and she cannot resist new work challenges. What [...]
Prešovčanka ANTÓNIA TOMKOVÁ (30) napriek svojmu mladému veku dobýja tvrdý svet biznisu. Zahviezdila ako obchodná riaditeľka aerotaxi, v ktorej organizovala letecké prevozy celebrít svetových mien. Teraz sa zahryzla do vlastného podnikania, ktoré rozširuje a žne úspechy na všetkých frontoch. Láska ku krásnym topánkam ju priviedla na benzínovú pumpu, kde si na vysnívané lodičky zarobila umývaním [...]
Slovenka, ktorá k nám doviezla dalajlámu Antónia Tomková priviedla české biznis aerolínie GJS medzi elitu, dnes zakladá vlastnú leteckú spoločnosť. Patrí do generácie mladých slovenských manažérov, ktorí v zahraničí zbierajú jeden úspech za druhým. Už od 18 rokov sa venovala obchodu, účtovníctvu, marketingu a manažmentu. Tento „mix“ záujmov sa neskôr stal jej kľúčom k úspechu. [...]